3(F) Squadron Association

Honorary Life President – Air Chief Marshal Sir Richard Johns GCB KCVO CBE FRAES

Honorary President – Air Vice-Marshal Ian (Cab) Townsend CBE RAF

OC 3(F) Squadron – Wg Cdr Sonny Roe RAF

3(F) Squadron Association is the official former comrades association of No. 3(Fighter) Squadron, Royal Air Force.  Membership of the Association is open to those of all Ranks, Trades and Services who have ever been posted, or attached to the Squadron strength at any time since its formation on 13 May 1912.  The Membership form can be found here: Membership Form

This is the Membership Secretary’s email:  Phil’s email

Aims of 3(F) Squadron Association:

  • To foster the spirit and comradeship founded during service with No. 3 (F) Squadron
  • To provide means of maintaining contact with former colleagues
  • To nurture and encourage the special relationship between the Squadron and its Association
  • To locate and preserve any document, photograph or information which will enhance the official Squadron history.
  • For further details on the history of the association, either navigate via the About 3(F) Sqn tab or click here

Common Questions


By joining the Association you are help us maintain our support to past and present members of the Squadron. It’s about friendship and maintaining those links though annual reunions and other events.


You get full access to all areas of the website and 3 times a year we issue Three’s Company our newsletter full of stories about 3(F) Squadron past and present. We also have an annual reunion which held every year.


We provide 3 Newsletters a year and together with the web site fees, these cost over £350 to produce and print.


You can pay for your membership online:

By Bank Transfer to: No 3(F) Squadron Association Acc No: 02550283  Sort Code: 30-92-33 (Please NB this is a business account) or via PayPal: 3Fsubs@gmail.com (Please use Family & Friends to avoid charges) or exceptionally send a cheque made payable to: No 3(F) Squadron Association to: Dave Ellis, 24 Oak Rd, Glinton, Peterborough, PE6 7LD

Latest News

November 2023

Welcome to the new OC 3 (F) Sqn: Wg Cdr Sonny Roe. See the CO’s page for his intro.

June 2023

A bit belated but here are the pictures from the Memorial Dinner at the St Georges Hotel on Friday 13th May:

The Raffle Table was well loaded

The whole day went very well, as did the evening; as can be seen. The raffle and auction raised £500 for the Association’s funds.

May 12th 2023

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Please find attached additional information relating to the 3(F) Sqn Memorial Dedication ceremony planned for Fri 12 May 23.  I have attached (below) a link to the PDF version of the information.  I look forward to seeing you all there.

Kind regards,
Duncan Olsen

February 2023

I am pleased to inform you that planning for the Dedication event for the new 3(F) Squadron Memorial at the National Arboretum is progressing really well. I will provide more detail in due course, but the fundamentals remain the same in that the Dedication will take place 1300-1330 on Fri 12 May 23. The cafeteria will be open for guests to purchase refreshments where we will meet from around 1200, so there is a great opportunity to catch up with old friends before we move to the site of our new Memorial. We have a separate function room in the Aspects facility where tea/coffee will be available after the Dedication.

I would be very grateful if you plan to attend the Memorial event and haven’t already done so to let Duncan Olsen (Assn Sec, address below) know that you are coming, and he will then ask you to commit the sum of £5 per family to help us cover the cost of the beverages provided.

I am also pleased to inform you that planning for the Association Dinner at the Hilton at St George’s Park is at an advanced stage. This annual event has changed from our previous October timeline to allow us to meet closer to our Sqn’s Anniversary in May. Again, if you wish to join the 50 people already signed up for dinner, Duncan will provide further details in his next email.

On the whole, I offer that this is shaping up to be a major event in the Sqn’s history and a superb chance to celebrate the Fighting Third.
Sent on behalf of Phil Ward, 3(F) Squadron Association Chairman
Duncan Olsen, Hon Sec

May 2022 

110th Anniversary
The Association had a very successful 110th Anniversary dinner on 12th May and a visit to the Sqn on the 13th May

Ladies and Gentlemen, As I hope you are aware, the Squadron Association has spent the last 18 months working hard to raise funds to design, build and install a Squadron Memorial at the National Memorial Arboretum (NMA). I am pleased to inform you that we have now reached a point where we have sufficient funds to proceed with the project and hold a commissioning ceremony at the NMA.

The Association would like to invite you to the join us at the NMA on Friday 12 May at 1200 for a commissioning ceremony. ACM Sir Richard Johns GCB KCVO CBE and Deputy Commander Operations, AM Harv Smyth CB OBE DFC have already kindly agreed to join us on the day, and it would a great opportunity to gather as many of the Association together as possible as we commemorate our Squadron’s rich history. Families and friends are most welcome to join us.

More details regarding the event will follow but please expect to move the short distance from the Remembrance Centre to the Squadron Memorial where a short service will be conducted, and Memorial formally revealed. After the ceremony complimentary tea and coffee will be available in the Aspects meeting lounge.
It is requested that attendees contribute £5 (per visiting group) which will help the Association cover the costs of the event which are considerable.
£5 contribution payable by 31 December 2022 to: No 3(F) Squadron Association Sort Code: 30-92-33 Account No: 83004762 Payment Reference: Reception PLEASE NB THIS IS A BUSINESS ACCOUNT.

The restaurant at the NMA is open from 1000 to 1630 serving a range of drinks, hot food, sandwiches, soups and cakes.

For information, the Squadron Association’s annual dinner will be held in the evening following the NMA event. More details will follow in due course, but we have a fine day and evening ahead of us.


Duncan Olsen
3(F) Sqn Association

Link to the NMA Homepage https://thenma.org.uk/

3(F) Squadron Memorial Fund

May 2022

The RAF’s oldest fixed wing squadron has yet to be properly represented with a memorial to those that have served since 1911. To rectify this situation, a memorial fund was launched on November 12th 2021 based on Bob Barckley’s generous legacy of £3000. We have also had a large private donation of £5000, and as of the 1st May we have nearly reached our target. The treasurer treasurer3fsqnassoc@gmail.com is still taking donations and my sincere thanks to those members who were quick off the mark. Combined with private donations the current balance of the fund is close to our £12k target.

We have selected a stonemason who will produce the memorial in time for the dedication on May 12th 2023. The memorial design and inscription shown on the Facebook page and below is an example of what the memorial will look like.

The location for the memorial has been decided and will be the National Memorial Arboretum.

Please support the project, other costs still have to be met; send your donations to



Phil Ward


A gentle reminder that the £10 annual subs were due on the 1st April, so it would be appreciated if members could contribute to the running costs of the Association. The joining form is attached which gives all the methods of payment, there is no need to send it to Phil, it is for information only, unless you want to notify a change of address or email address. The membership fee does not apply to widows of members. So far this year we have had a good take up of membership renewal.
With regards to the subs, we are hoping to have a memorial in place in time for the Squadron’s 110th anniversary on May 12th next year 2023, and we still need a boost to our account to support the maintenance and insurance etc of the memorial. So the subs you pay will help us to pay for this project.

Dave Ellis has a number of combat ready ties:
These were bought some time ago and would normally only be available to combat ready crews from any aircraft type. If you think you qualify get in touch with Dave and he will send you one for the cost of postage only. Contact Dave on treasurer3fsqnassoc@gmail.com

As usual, any stories regarding the Sqn or Association would be gratefully received for Three’s Company. We have heard that 4 Sqn Association is basically closing down and handing over its assets to the Harrier Force Association and I(F) is also struggling. 3(F) Squadron Association is the oldest Harrier sqn association having formed in 1984, and is still well supported by its members, and of course we fully embrace all the other aircraft types operated by the sqn. We would like this to continue and it will do, given the support we receive all the time from you, the members. Please visit the website www.3fsquadronassociation.com as often as possible for up to the minute updates.

Any Three’s Company articles to the editor please.

There are cockatrice ties available, £16.00 each contact Clive Handy in stock

The DVD ‘The Stories of 3(F) Squadron’ from the 2007 reunion are also available from me, £5 including UK postage. http://paypal.me/cliverh

I have been sent a sample of new style cumberbund which has the sqn colours on one side and The Wickets or a Cockatrice on the other side. Please see the merchandise page for details. Clive Handy

The  CO’s (Wg Cdr Frankie Buchler) page is under ‘About 3(F) Sqn and the Association’.

This website is designed to be informative and a point of reference for all association members, if you as an association member would like to see a particular item added to the site please contact the webmaster, to contact him click here.