Clive Handy has been sent a video DVD of the Harrier’s final 3 weeks in service from a Paul Forbes whose father and grandfather both served in the RAF, called ‘Final Bow’. The DVD has no commentary and is about 56 minutes long but contains superb shots of flying displays at Cottesmore in December 2010. There are some still shots from various campaigns of the Harrier service, mostly of 1(F) Sqn and IV(AC) Sqn but nonetheless it is a very nice DVD of the final days of the ‘Bona Jet’. Very poignant.
Paul has said that that Clive can copy the DVD freely and has let him have it at no cost, but It is felt that it would be a good opportunity to swell the Associations funds.
So if anyone would like a copy of the DVD, we suggest a donation which would also cover postage and a sleeve.
Also, If anyone who hasn’t got one yet, and would like a copy of ‘Stories of 3(F) Squadron’, ‘the DVD produced by Black Cat Video at the 2007 reunion which shows interviews with many of the Association’s members (some now sadly departed to that great hangar in the sky) and other archive photos, these are still available.
So the prices:
For ‘Final Bow’ I suggest a minimum of £5
For ‘Stories of 3(F) Squadron’, the cost is £10.
So a special offer for both DVDs is £12 plus £1.80 p&p, or at least £5 for ‘Final Bow’ only plus £1.80 p&p. I have uploaded a clip of the DVD to ‘YouTube’ (no sound) and you can access it by clicking on this link:
All enquiries to Clive Handy